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Japanese is Possible!
Check out the book recommendation page.
Yes, Japanese is possible. Eleven lessons
are currently available. All lessons beyond this may contain
extra errors in grammar and other problems.
- Lesson 1: So you want to learn Japanese
- Lesson 2: Helpful pointers
- Lesson 3: Some last preparation
- Lesson 4: Our first trip to Grammar's house
- Lesson 5: Overwhelming verbiage
- Lesson 6: Superatomic particles; it's a koto thang
- Lesson 7: Slow down there, pardner
- Lesson 8: I exist!
- Lesson 9: Looking back
- Lesson 10: Take it from me
- Lesson 11: Back in the day
- Week 12: Types of Verbs, Verb Endings
- Week 13: -Nai, Double Negatives, Contractions
- Week 14: Keeping it Interesting, Negative Adjectives
- Week 15: The LET'S form, What are you LET'S DO ing?
- Week 16: Sentences are Important
- Week 17: Word Categories: Animals, Insects
- Week 18: Past Adjectives, Word Categories: Colors, Body Parts
- Week 19: Lyrics to 'Epitaph'
- Week 20: Particles: E & SHI, -KU naru, Romanization
- Week 21: Bakari, Ato
- Week 22: -Chatta, Kagiri
- Week 23: -Rareru
- Week 24: -TTARA: another Conditional form
- Week 25: -ZU: Without doing, Japanese Links
- Week 26: The purpose of JIP
- Week 27: Intro to "Polite" form, RPG/Pokemon Edition
- Week 28: -ZU form (Part II)
- Week 29: Real Life Usage, Anatomy of a Sentence
- Week 30: How to say Goodbye, Male Speech Patterns
- Week 31: Female Speech Patterns, Useful Pokemon Kanji
- Week 32: The Causative Verb "‚³‚¹‚é" (saseru)
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